My Story


Hey there beautiful souls,

I’m Hayley, a crystal loving, sage burning, tarot reading, soul loving Gemini starseed.

Alternative lifestyle, remedies and therapies are something I grew up thinking were normal. My mother was always concocting some tincture or potion from things that grew in her garden. And even though I thought this was normal, I always knew I was different.

I’ve always been connected to the spiritual world and have been able to see spirits for as long as I can remember. Among others, another one of my gifts I’ve been blessed with is to recall my past lives which is incredibly cool in my opinion. I can also see other peoples’ past lives, not always, but it's something I’d love to develop and work on.

In early 2019 I had my spiritual awakening. Anyone who has had a spiritual awakening will know just how soul shaking and transformative the experience is. But It’s definitely not all love and light. It's tears and breaking yourself down to the core to become your true authentic self. Its working on your shadow self and it can be scary, it can get lonely, and you feel completely lost and if we are being completely honest at times you feel a little bit insane.

And that’s what happened to me. My entire world I knew no longer made sense and I no longer made sense in it. I questioned everything I’d ever known and watched my life fall apart around me. Little did I know that falling apart was actually just falling together, this time as my true self. I looked inside myself and sat with my soul and got to know myself again. Who I was, who I wasn’t, who others wanted me to be, who I wanted to be and who I’d never be again. And it was hard and it was messy and it was beautiful. I learned to nurture the parts of me that had been silenced. I turned back to nature and to the things my soul craved. I rediscovered crystals and found comfort, strength and wisdom in their magic. That in turn helped awaken my magic, long forgotten and left sleeping. And slowly I began to find my soul tribe, my soul sisters, my mentors. I began to crave knowledge of ancient wisdom from lives long forgotten. I learned Reiki Seichem Tera-Mai. To say it was one of the most profound, powerful and life changing experiences is an understatement. I hope to complete Level 3 and become a Reiki Master in the near future. But I didn’t stop there. I learned the art of reading tarot, something I’d previously done intuitively and for fun. All the while my passion for crystals kept growing, as did my collection. I took a crystal gridding workshop, worked at a crystal shop and of course bought more crystals.

Still something was missing. A yearning that had not yet been silenced. The path to self discovery is a lifelong journey and we must never stop trying to grow and evolve. After some soul searching and a long meditation I knew it was time to begin this part of my journey. And so Moonlight & Magic was born. A safe space for people to find their true selves, awaken their magic within and fall into their destiny. A place to help find their soul tribe and to know that even though their light may dim, they are never alone. To help people fall in love with themselves, awaken their magic long forgotten through spiritual tools like crystals, tarot and such, but most importantly through connection. You are the magic you seek.

I'd love to get to know you all so click on our socials below and come say hi!

Much love,
